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Absurdity  something that would not be considered part of what is reasonable or normal
Adjective  a word that describes a person, place or thing (big, small, huge, red)
Appropriate  suitable or correct for a particular purpose or conversation
Auditory input  to hear
Book Embedded
Vocabulary Instruction
 a strategy that incorporates language and vocabulary instruction in the classroom
Chorally  a group of children responding all together
Context  the setting or where the story or situation takes place
Contextualize  connected to something the children are doing
Converse  to discuss or have a conversation between two or more persons
Descriptive  detailed words used to describe objects or situations that build oral language skills
Dialogic Reading  a strategy that enhances vocabulary and oral language skills using realistic illustrations in children’s books
Dialogue  conversation between two or more people
Differentiates  to have the ability to tell the difference between two or more concepts
Elicit to draw or bring out (a response, for example)
Enhance  to increase or build upon
Ensure  to guarantee or make sure
Expansion  the act of adding more descriptive words to a simple word or phrase in order to increase vocabulary development
Facilitate  to support or encourage vocabulary development by increasing the amount of vocabulary children are exposed to throughout the day
Fast mapping  a way children learn vocabulary that begins with a child hearing a word, obtaining the word’s meaning from someone or something, and remembering that first impression of the word by which all other definitions and situations will be compared
Function  the purpose for which something is designed or exists
Implement  to incorporate or to carry out
Intentional teaching  a deliberate creation of contexts and situations in which to teach new vocabulary
Label  a short word or phrase descriptive of a person, group, or object
Language Scaffolding  a strategy that utilizes every opportunity during the school day to enhance language and vocabulary development
Model  teacher overtly demonstrates a strategy, skill, or concept that children will be learning
Multi word statements oral statements using many words including some new vocabulary words and descriptive words to build children’s oral language skills
Narrative  a story about fictional or real events
Noun  person, place or thing (teacher, Florida, pencil, plate)
Open ended questions questions that encourage many different responses to allow children to practice their language skills
Oral Language  spoken language
Ordinary  the normal or expected
Paraphrase  a restatement of a text or passage giving the meaning in another form for clearness
Plot  storyline; the plan, scheme, or main story of book
Promote  to encourage through action
Prompt to assist (a person speaking) by suggesting something to be said
Referent the word that is chosen to be defined
Refine make more precise or increase depth of knowledge regarding the topic
Scaffold the process of teacher modeling and providing appropriate support to help a child acquire a skill or knowledge (e.g. giving clues, asking questions, providing verbal prompts)
Spontaneous coming from a natural tendency; without effort; natural and unplanned
Strategize  to make up or determine a strategy or plan
Summarize  reducing large selections of text to their bare essentials: the gist, the key ideas, the main points that are worth noting and remembering
Tactile input  to feel
Think,Show,Tell,Talk  a strategy that promotes language and vocabulary development by using a specific routine to label objects or actions during daily classroom routines
Utterance  real or nonsense words or sounds that a child says
Verb  expresses action (run, hop, jump, leap)
Visual input  to see
Verbatim  exactly the same words; word for word
Word Knowledge  the mental dictionary / thesaurus or the words in one’s head that are used to figure out what is going on in the world
World Knowledge  the experiences one has in his/her life that one learns from that develop vocabulary 
{term} - {definition}
